Tuesday, November 29, 2011,

(in no particular order)

She calls me such things as Kimber-Lou & Kimmers
To others she refers to me as "Kimberly, her free-spirit"
She only owns one hoodie-its huge, red, and "CANADA" is stamped on the front
Networking is her calling-she see connections and makes them happen 
She gets jobs created for her--people meet her then realize how much they need her
Her intuition is sharp-she knows what i'm planning to do with my life before i do
She believes i can do anything and always supports me when i try
Her strength is my inspiration
She has faith like Job
Her love is unconditional, selfless and always there

I love you so much mom!! You're my Hero!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011,

Frank Sinatra called them "The Impatient Years". The phase of life spent waiting for the next move, going from one temporary decision to another and hoping to reach that blissful destination of satisfied contentment.

Some people have a really hard time with change. Personally, I embrace change, with it's fresh start and ambiguous possibilities! Transitioning, however, is a different story.

Transitioning is hard. A state of in-between, phasing, morphing...that's unsettling! Incomplete. You're not what you used to be neither what you're going to be! The "impatient years" is the time I find myself now. And I'm not alone. Many people are experiencing the same antsy-ness when your parents house is no longer your "home" and your current location doesn't feel much like home either. Each step taken still feels preparatory for yet another. Frustrating? Yeah.

Is this feeling reserved for the unwed? No. Couples waiting for children? Parents waiting for their children to move out do they can have their gym? Or retirement? Guess what? Life is one giant transition!! That feeling of waiting for what's coming started before we were even born! And it won't go away until we've done all that we can do to achieve all that we can! That's Eternal Happiness.

To help ease the gnawing feeling of impatience during transitions and changes...I've adopted this motto:

"Come What May; and Love It"

This simple phrase (by the mother of Joseph B Wirthlin) has helped me through many difficult times; inspiring me to face any situation with the right attitude as well enhanced the joy of positive opportunities! It reminds me that I have a choice, no matter what is thrown at me, to make the best of it! Which is a lot healthier than wallowing in self pity or worse, becoming apathetic.

Life is incredible. Change is inevitable. Transitions can be frustrating (and can take a long time before it clicks). We're on this earth to prepare to meet God. Our souls are desperate to return to Him, to be like Him, so is it any wonder that at times we feel dissatisfied and anxious to move on? Transition is a tool for eternal motivation!

Wow. This went on a lot longer than I intended! But it's something I've been pondering for quite sometime! So! Live life! Don't settle or wallow! "Come what may AND love it"!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011,

2010. 2010 was crazy. It will forever be ingrained  on my psyche as a year of such High Expectations. Never before had I experienced a year with sooo many miraculously high "highs" and treacherously low "lows". I grew more than i could have imagined spiritually and even emotionally, probably socially too....but physically I was worse than I'd ever been (for a few months anyway).

January I went into the MTC and it was incredible!! I thrived! I'd never been in an environment where the Spirit was so concentrated and the people all shared a common goal and purpose! It went by waay too fast and saying goodbye to my compainion Sister Kirkpatrick was not fact it was terrible! But we kept in contact and she continues to inspire me with her efforts as a missionary in Arkansas/Tennessee!

February I was in Washington! In the Field and ready to harvest!! My first area was Bellingham and it was gorgeous...and huge. Sister Halladay (my trainer) and I had great times where we'd spend the whole day on foot! Talking to everyone we saw and knocking every door! February was also when i started getting my headaches. It started with one, maybe two, a week, then by the end i was having nearly four a week!

March we were transferred to Everson! White washed again! Neither one of us wanted to leave Bellingham...but were forced to because of a creepy man. I cried when we had to leave. Everson was the largest area of my mission-and right on the border of Canada! It was awesome because while we were there they had the Vancouver BC Temple Dedication-and we were able to attend at our church building!

April was the time where I learned about the Atonement and developed a close relationship with my Savior. The day after we were transferred to Everson I got a migraine that did not go away--for 5 weeks and 5 days. No matter what I did (and believe me--i tried EVERYTHING)-nothing helped. During Conference I got a very strong, distinct impression that I would be going home. That broke my heart. I had been having thoughts like that for weeks-but i pushed them away thinking it was the adversary. I was determined to stay! Progressively i got worse-one night i even ended up in the ER. Sister Halladay and I were blessed sooo abundantly that transfer. I learned about true charity and sacrifice and how it feels to come out stronger after you've been pushed beyond every breaking point that you have. 

May my third transfer, my third area, my third companion! I was transferred to Duvall and I know that that was divinely inspired for many reasons. Duvall was my Miracle Area. The day after I got there, my migraine went away! I had forgotten what it felt like not to have one! I just kept telling Sister Fish "You have no idea how amazing this is!!"  Sister Fish became one of my best friends instantly. We had soo much fun together-talking, walking down the street waving at cars, knocking on doors and planning our lessons--our time together passed much too quickly! This transfer was all about service! Because the rain was starting to let up everyone wanted us to help them with yard work. We must have done an average of 20hs/wk!  It felt amazing to be doing service, actual hard physical labor! I loved that ward more than i knew was possible! Then-my migraines came back with a vengeance. I had thought I had passed a test and been given a second chance & would be allowed to finish my mission! But Heavenly Father had other plans for me. 

June, I left Washington on the 4th sad to be leaving but wondering what the future would bring. I had planned on serving a mission my whole life and now that it was over i had no idea what to do with myself! Fortunately, I have an incredible support system. I knew, without any doubt, that my family would be ok with me coming home. That there wouldn't be any judging or negativity. When i got to the airport, my family wasn't there! So I picked up my baggage and figured "it was Utah and someone would probably be willing to take me home" All around me people kept saying "welcome home sister!" then they'd look around, wondering why i was all Then I saw a group of people gathered around the escalator with banners and balloons. I crept up behind them and asked who they were waiting for? They turned around shocked and confused and amused and my mom wanted me to go back up there so she could film it.

July I became an Aunt to the most awesome, cutest little nephew in the world! Curtis James Kitto was born on the 22nd. That month I also went back to Las Vegas with Alexis to celebrate her birthday-we saw Lion King again and Phantom! It was awesome. Also-my friends were starting to come back from their missions. It was really nice to be able to talk to them about stuff!

August I had a procedure done that severed/blocked some of the nerves in the back of my neck (to prevent me from getting migraines). Not gonna lie, it was pretty excruciating. And I couldn't move my neck for almost 3 weeks afterward. I decided to have this done so that I might be able to go back and serve--or at least live a more normal life. Well...a few weeks after the procedure I got a call from the Missionary Department and they told me that the operation had been more major than we thought and that they were submitting that I shouldn't go back out. That was hard to swallow. That I didn't really get to have a say in the process.  But my Stake President said we'd wait till November to know for sure.

September was my Birthday, and being 22 is awkward. I had never known anyone to say that they were 22, only 21 or it was weird. Oh! And Sister Halladay came home! She helped me feel soooo much better about everything, like she always does, and just put things into perspective. And I helped her adjust with the transition to being home.

October Mom and I went to Disney Land! We had a blast! Alexis and Cameron got engaged! Sister Fish came home from Washington!

November I was officially "honorably released" as a missionary. My heart broke. Rachel got her Mission Call to Chile!

December I couldn't believe that the year was over.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009,

I LOVE SEPTEMBER. The end of summer is gorgeous and the weather is perfection. Not to mention my birthday is smack dab in the middle--which always hightens the excitement!

This September has been interesting. Its the first time i've lived at home since high school and memories of living in Logan and Connecticut have been flooding me constantly. Good times. Wonderful memories. "I'm a rush with nostalgia" (50 points if you can name what that's from!) In addition to the strangeness of being home...i'm also just so antsy!! I was hoping to have my mission call by now! But i'm waiting on the Bishop, who is supposedly waiting on the doctors. I do not like not being in control of my fate. And i do not like waiting around for something to happen. The suspence is killing me!!! That, and whatever i picked up from the doctor's office. sheesh. As soon as my call gets here I know that everything is going to start going faster than i probably want it to--but i can't wait.

In the meantime--Fall is beautiful!! Kristie and i took a drive up the mountains and wow. It was stunning. Some of the leaves were coral!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009,

Independence Day 2009 was SO MUCH FUN!!
i spent the day with two of my friends in my ward's Young Single Adult group:
Valerie (an Au Par from Germany) and Carson (a student from China) and we had such a blast! Being the only "American" in my group i felt it was my obligation to sing as many patriot songs as i possibly could...all day long...including "America the Beautiful" "This Land is Your Land, this Land is My Land" "Proud to be an American" (with the appropriate country twang) "God Bless America" and of course "the Star Spangled Banner". Luckily they were good sports and put up with me.

The typical July 4th with my family would include: waking up late and missing the parade, going swimming or to a movie, spending time with various extended family members, a BBQ and usually going to watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks at the field of the Provo Temple-grounds.

This year i woke up early (well...for a saturday...) and took a train into the city and met Carson and Valerie at Grand Central then we walked over to the New York Public Library (which was closed). Then we got Jamba Juice before heading to Times Square to see if they had anything going on--there weren't any "events" but there were lawn chairs everywhere! And people were just sitting in the middle of Broadway-tanning! Naturally, we joined them! After that we hoped on the subway and went down to Brooklyn. We got hot dogs and decided to walk the famous Brooklyn Bridge. It actually took longer to find the entrance to the bridge than it did to walk it...but it was worth it. The view was beautiful and it was just a cool thing to experience. After that we took the subway up to Central Park (it was Carson's first time ever) and walked around then found the lake and laid down there for a while with our feet up. It was a spectacular day!! not too hot, always a breeze-- it was just perfect! After we ate dinner (a typical "American meal" of amazing hamburgers)(at a restaurant that still used Water Closets!) we decided to find the streets where we could see the fireworks. This year-instead of shooting them off from the Statue of Liberty-they were going to be along the Hudson River. We found our perfect spot right at sunset. They had closed off the high-way for the event so we were actually standing on an overpass! The fire works were great and Carson kept reminding us that they were made in China. lol When it was all over and we had conquered the massive crowd-we found ourselves in the same area as the Manhattan Temple. It was the perfect way to end the night. We walked back to Grand Central Station and realized that it was exactly 12 hours-to the minute- since we had got in that morning. We don't think anyone had covered more ground in 12 hours than we had. So. Much. Fun.

Monday, June 29, 2009,

Kimberly Kaleonani Kitto. i love my name! Honestly, i think its one of the greatest names out there. Although my initials have caused many raised eyebrows and merciless teasing in high school, i cannot think of a name better suited for me!

Over the years i have acquired many nicknames. Most of the them have specific people and memories attacted and i've come to love them as much as my given name! So thanks guys!!

  • Kimberly (i love being called Kimberly. no one has ever consistantly called me Kimberly so when it happens it always shocks me a little bit and makes me very happy!)
  • Kim (basically everyone on Earth calls me this. not my favorite...but its gone on long enough i don't bother to complain)
  • Kimmy (Kassi, Katie Sue, Shea and My extended family are generally the only ones who use this one. i actually prefer Kimmy to Kim)
  • Kimmer(s) (Mainly my mom...but sometimes other family members)
  • Kimmy Lou (Mom is the first person who called me this, Kassi and Katie also use it now)
  • Kimmy Lou Who (also used by Kassi and Katie Sue...and was frequently used during Suessical)
  • KimmyChunga (Katie, Shelly...and my kinda freaked me out....)
  • Kitto (i LOVE when people call me Kitto! Charlie, Jessica and Cameron use it the most)
  • Kimbo (Rachel and my Dad)
  • Kimbo-jangles (Devin's roommate)
  • Kimo (Brad)
  • Kimby (Lia)
  • Kimbodia (Lia)
  • KimKimmy (Naomi)
  • KimKanny (Lia)
  • Oshinana (Naomi)
  • Nimmy/Nummy (Ried)
  • Timmy (Rachel...before she could pronounce her "k"s)
  • Mia (Jessica's little brother Jared)
  • Louise (Callan)
  • Gim (also from Jared)
  • Gibbler (Brigham Berthold...i hated him beacause of this name.)
  • Frankie (Rachel)
  • Ethel (Kelli)
  • Ana Christana Divana (Jessica)
  • Coco Puff (Daddy)
If you can think of any that i have forgotten---please add it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009,

Living in New York is literally a Dream Come True for me!! The pace, atmosphere and climate really agree with me...and yeah...being a short train ride away from NYC is the greatest thing ever. On the weekend my activities include shopping on 5th Avenue (mainly at H & M), walking through Central Park, people watching in Times Square, hailing cabs and seeing many shows on Broadway. My job is incredible. Wonderful, professional, respectful, considerate, kind and sympathetic employers. Hilarious, sweet, brilliant, mischievous and adorable kids. Great hours, benefits and pay. My ward here is welcoming, caring, diverse and just awesome. Basically, my life is amazing and I know that I have been blessed so much.

The only downside to living my fantasy life here in New York is being so far away from all the people that I love! The thing I treasure most in my life is the people in it and the relationships we have!!

My family is something else. We're all very different and very much the same. We all have our various passions and dreams but ultimately, we have the same goal and destination in mind. My siblings (that includes my favorite sister-in-law) are so cool. Anytime i talk to one of my siblings i am blown away by all the things they want out of life and the high standards they've set for themselves. Its incredible. My parents are the ones responsible for that. With me, they've always been soooo supportive of everything I love my family!! i've chosen to do and always sooo happy to have me come home again. The love for me and the confidence they have in me is overwhelming.

My friends are the best. I have the best friends. Just a text or a phone call from one of them lifts my spirit and brightens my soul! I hate to generalize--so i'm just going to mention the things that they all have in common. They're all hysterical, genuine, comfortable in their own shoes, interesting, giving and attractive. I only surround myself with good looking people. I can't wait to play and catch up with all of them!! I love my friends!!

Bottom line-I am very happy right now with where I am and what I am doing! At the same time, i really miss the people at home because they are so important to me! YOU are so important to me! Long Distance Relationships are not as fun as the short distance ones.